Media's Military Analysts Involved in "Psyops on Steroids" | Center for Media and Democracy: "In early 2002, as 'detailed planning for a possible Iraq invasion' began, then-Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Victoria Clarke launched the Pentagon military analyst program as 'the main focus of the public relations push to construct a case for war,' reports David Barstow. The gist of the program was the recruitment of 'key influentials' to help sell a wary public on the war. The former Hill & Knowlton executive and her senior aide, Brent Krueger, signed up more than 75 retired military officers, who appeared on television and radio news shows as military analysts, and/or penned newspaper op/ed columns."
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US Military Propaganda on the News
Embedding Military Propagandists into the News Media | Center for Media and Democracy: "David Barstow of the New York Times has written the first installment in what is already a stunning exposé of the Bush Administration's most powerful propaganda weapon used to sell and manage the war on Iraq: the embedding of military propagandists directly into the TV networks as on-air commentators. We and others have long criticized the widespread TV network practice of hiring former military officials to serve as analysts, but even in our most cynical moments we did not anticipate how bad it was. As Barstow has painstakingly documented, these analysts, most of them military industry consultants and lobbyists, were directly chosen, managed, coordinated and given their talking points by the Pentagon's ministers of propaganda. "
Neuromarketing: the ad-man's ultimate tool
Neuromarketing: the ad-man's ultimate tool: "Neuroscience and marketing had a love child a few years back. Its name - big surprise - is neuromarketing, and the ugly little fellow is growing up. Corporate pitchmen have always wanted to get inside our skulls. The more accurately they can predict how we'll react to stimuli in the marketplace, from prices to packages to adverts, the more money they can pull from our pockets and transfer to their employers' coffers."