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Upselling you - Cheat Sheet Leaked

LEAKS: Enterprise Store's Insurance Upsell Cheat Sheet - Consumerist: "At least one Enterprise rental place has a cheat sheet for manipulating buyers into buying what is sometimes unnecessary car insurance. Here's a transcript of the document one of our readers snagged from an Enterprise in Fort Lee, NJ .

I. Initial Sales Pitches
A. 'I assume you want us to protect you bumper to bumper on the car, right?' (assumption makes the customer feel like everyone takes it)
B. 'You've rented from us before?' (if yes) 'Then, I'm sure you took our coverage last time, right?' (customer will feel silly for having not taken it)
C. 'How long do you need the car?' -three days- 'Three days? That's only $60 and protects you the full value of the car!' '...it's only $19.99/day and protects you of the full value of the car!!!' (make sure the customer feels your excitement)"

(Via Consumerist.)

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